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DAB Radio Battery

If your old radio is broken or you want to buy a new radio recently, you might want to consider DAB digital radio. DAB radio can not only receive FM stations, but also DAB and DAB+ stations.

New radio stations can be available on DAB+, existing radio stations can continue using DAB, and community radio stations might continue on FM. If you want to listen to new radio stations or programmes, consider to buy a DAB digital radio. With digital radios can access to more new and talk stations, i.e. LBC and talkRADIO, and also BBC offerings. Also if you love music, DAB radio also has stations for rock music, 80s, jazz music. Nowadays, car radios are integrated more and more with DAB digital radio. If you buy a new car, DAB radio is an option.

Beside DAB radio or normal radio, you can think about to get other audio devices. You can install radio apps in your mobile phones, tablets with a Bluetooth speakers, smart TV box and etc.

Don’t let the battery let you down when you are listening to your radio. Fusion Battery has a wide range of replacement batteries available for your DAB radios. Click here to have a search and get it.

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